Bottega Hotel Boutique Valle de Guadalupe
At Bottega Hotel Boutique Valle de Guadalupe You will find everything you need to spend an unforgettable vacation, not only does it have incredible facilities but it is in a great location that will allow you to reach many tourist attractions in a few minutes.
From the Valle de Guadalupe Hotels, It is located in the heart of Ensenada Wine Coutry, just off the main street and less than 3 miles from the Museum of Vine and Wine.
Bottega Hotel Boutique Valle de Guadalupe Baja California Mexico
Bottega Hotel Boutique address is Carretera Federal # 3 Km 82.5, Municipality of Ensenada Baja California Mexico.
Do not hesitate to look for it and call its reception to reserve, you will not regret it.
It is recommended to have a car for your visitors, this way they can move more easily between all the tourist destinations in the area.
If you are a lover of good food and new flavors, you can find 61 restaurants within a radius of 10 km, which makes it the ideal place to get to know your new favorite restaurant.
Bottega Hotel Boutique Valle de Guadalupe Baja California has 7 attractions within a radius of 10 km, do not hesitate to visit them all.
Among the most renowned nearby restaurants you can find:
- Viñedos Corona del Valle
- La Cocina de Doña Esthela
- Pancracia
- 4.2 Bar
- Finca Altozano
Nearby attractions
- Museum of the vine and wine
- El Cielo Valle de Guadalupe
- Adobe Guadalupe Vineyards & Inn Aztec Breeding Farm
- Parque del Niño Zoo
The main hotel services are:
- Free parking
- Breakfast included
- Free high-speed internet (WiFi)
Bottega Hotel Boutique Valle de Guadalupe is an incredible hotel in 3.5 stars, with a good quality / price ratio according to the reviews of its visitors.