Viña de Frannes
Viña de Frannes is a place that surprises the visitor for its distinguished and daring architecture, which apparently is the distinctive seal of many vital, boutique hotels as well as restaurants in the Valle de Guadalupe Ensenada that they make to distinguish themselves from others and provide an unmatched experience.
From the best Valle de Guadalupe Things to do, tt is a place that offers the proof of excellent wines and delicious food in a beautiful and relaxing atmosphere, which makes an immersion in the wine culture in this region of Baja California Norte.
In addition to the remarkable architecture, the incredible food that can be found in this place, prepared with totally fresh ingredients and the region which will seduce you to try some of the specialties, as well as the suggestions and astronomical , or in the firewood.
It is not surprising the good variety of delicious Mediterranean dressed dishes that can be marinated so well with the wines that occur in the region and especially this wine house.
So if you are looking for a place with an excellent view of different food, that is a good place to enjoy good wines with family or friends and you will be warmly attended by your friendly personnel.
Rubric in the street neighborhood road to Rancho Cañada de Trigo in the Guadalupe Valley and you can communicate for more information at 646 688 1955.