Hotel Cortez Baja Inn Ensenada

Hotel Cortez Baja Inn Ensenada

Hotel Cortez Baja Inn Ensenada A Charming Retreat in the Heart of the Pacific Haven Hotel Cortez Baja Inn Ensenada is an enchanting accommodation nestled in the center of Ensenada, just a stone’s throw away from the bustling port and numerous attractions. Known as the “beautiful Cinderella of the Pacific,” Ensenada is an ideal destination…

Papas and Beer Ensenada

Papas and Beer Ensenada

A place can have many interesting beaches and activities but if there are no quality stores it is never quite interesting, Papas and Beer is described as “a place of fun for over 18 years.” A place  you should visit where you can not only eat very well but also has a dance floor, parking,…

Americas Best Value Inn Ensenada

Americas Best Value Inn Ensenada

Hotel Posada el Rey Sol Baja California Mexico Americas Best Value Inn Ensenada  the Posada El Rey sol Ensenada this charming colonial boutique hotel is located in the heart of the action, You can walk to more than 20 restaurants and coffee shops along the bazaar like streets lined with art effects, each one more…